(Training, Health and Safety Advisory)
email: or or tel: 01790 752960

Training Courses
The following courses are available inhouse at your premises, and may be tailored to suit your specific requirements.
Training is available in other health and safety areas – if the course is not shown below, please do not hesitate to contact our offices. Bespoke training courses can be developed for your specific needs, and using your own inhouse procedures and documentation if required.
Risk Assessment
1 day course for supervisors and managers, to cover:
overview of Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and associated legislation (Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999, PUWER 1998, etc.
risk assessments – what, when and how
common hazards and risks
practical completion of risk assessments
safe systems of work
communication and record keeping
monitoring and review
Safety Awareness – Employee Responsibilities
Half day training course for employees/operatives, to cover:
overview of legislation
employer responsibilities – Section 2 of HASAW
employee responsibilities – Section 2 of HASAW
safe workplace, safe person
personal protective equipment
Asbestos Awareness
Half day course for operatives and those persons responsible for managing premises including controlling construction and maintenance projects and also site operatives who may occasionally come into contact with asbestos containing materials, to cover:
Asbestos Law
Sources of Asbestos
Types of Asbestos
Properties of Asbestos
Uses of Asbestos in Buildings
Why Asbestos is dangerous
Size of fibres
Respiratory system defence mechanisms
Asbestos related diseases
Regulation 4: - duties and responsibilities
Types of Survey
Asbestos management plan:
Accidental disturbance of Asbestos
Work not requiring a license
Removal of Asbestos cement
Personal protective equipment
Operatives who regularly work with asbestos containing materials, e.g. demolition contractors, may require additional training.
Overview of PUWER or LOLER Regulations
Half day courses for all levels of staff involved with Work Equpiment and Lifting Equipment, to cover:
Overview of Health & Safety at Work Act, and Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) and Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER)
Employer and employee responsibilities
Risk assessment/safe system of work
Information, Instruction, Training and Supervision
Preventative Planned Maintenance
Inspection and record keeping
Work at Height
Half day course suitable for workers in all sectors of industry, to cover:
Introduction to legislation, including Work at Height Regulations 2005
Use and selection of work at height equipment
Safe use of ladders and step ladders
Types of access platforms (MEWPs, tower scaffolds, putlog scaffolds and independent scaffolds)
Use of safety harnesses
Risk assessment for work at height to identy access requirements and precautions (emergency plans)
Scaffold inspections - responsibilities and criteria
Record keeping
Organising Lifting Operations
1 day course for managers and supervisors with responsibility for organising lifting contractors and crane organizations. To cover:
Applicable Legislation
Risk Assessment
Identification of type of lift
Relevant British Standard
Certificates required
Lifting and stability principles
Load security
Identification of safe working practice.
Tower Scaffold Erection
1 day course for persons involved in tower scaffold erection. In addition to theory training we would demonstrate how to make correct selection of scaffolding; the majority of the training would be practical ‘hands on’ training, using your own equipment, to cover:
Legislation – risk assessments, falls from height
Safe work at height including ladders, step ladders and tower scaffold.
Safe erection of mobile tower scaffolds, use, loading, inspection and dismantling.
Safe systems of work, isolation, signage etc.
Safe Lifting Operations
Half day course on the essential factors in maintaining a safe working environment during slinging and lifting operations. An informative presentation, with audience participation, will include questions and discussion around pictorial representations as well as demonstration of the principles of safe crane and fork lift truck operation.
To cover
Legal obligations on employees engaged in slinging and signalling
Safe working practices and correct choice of lifting equipment and accessories
Identifying faults in lifting gear
Inspection certificates and training records
Selection, inspection and storage of lifting accessories
Basic mechanics involved in lifting operations - load instabilities
Practical demonstration of slinging & signalling including:
mobile cranes, gantry cranes,
fork lift trucks
loading and unloading of lorries.
Basic Slinging Operations – Safety Awareness
Half day course for all levels of staff involved with Lifting Equipment, to cover:
Overview of Health & Safety at Work Act, and Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) and Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER)
Requirements of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
Requirement for Lifting Gear Registers and inspection procedures
Safe sling practices
Types of lifting gear
Signals – banksman techniques
Workplace Safety
Manual Handling Operations
Half day course for all, and to cover any industry sector. The training would be tailored towards the manual handling operations/load which were typical to the client’s business, to cover:
Overview of Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and Manual Handling Operations Regulations
Risk Assessment
Safe Lifting Techniques (Kinetic handling)
Two man lift
Manual handling mechanical aids
Practical demonstration/assessment
Selection, Inspection and Use of Ladders
Half day course suitable for all workers within the building trades and those persons responsible for maintenance within industry, to cover:
Introduction to legislation, including Health and Safety at Work Act, PUWER, LOLER and the Work at Height Regulations
Safe use of ladders and step ladders - risk assessment on use, right type of ladder for job
Pre-use visual inspections
Formal inspections - 6 monthly/annual
How to conduct
What should be inspected
Unique identification labels
Defect labels
Record keeping
Pedestrian Operated Pallet Truck Training
One day course suitable for all persons required to operate pallet trucks within the workplace, to cover:
Introduction to legislation, including Health and Safety at Work Act, PUWER and LOLER Regulations
Pre-use visual inspections
Controls and components on truck
Stability and operational techniques
Defect/fault reporting procedures
This course includes a practical assessment using your truck within your workplace.
Sharps Awareness within House Maintenance and Property Clearance
Half day course suitable for all workers within the house maintenance and working in void properties, to cover:
Introduction to relevant health and safety legislation
Personal protective equipment
Discussion re blood borne viruses and potential affects
Likely locations of hidden sharps
Diposal procedures
Reporting procedures
Tailored to your relevant company procedures.
Fire Safety Awareness
Half day course, suitable for all persons to cover:
Overview of legislation - Regulatory Fire Safety Reform Order 2005
Responsibilities within business
Factors to be considered when completing a fire risk assessment
Fire prevention – identifying sources of ignition, fuel, oxygen
Fire precautions – fire fighting & detection, emergency routes & exits, maintenance
Overview of duties of a Fire Marshall
Safety Awareness Training - Safe Use of Abrasive Wheels and Portable Grinders
Half day course to cover:
Approved advisory literature relating to the mounting of abrasive wheels
Hazards arising from the use of abrasive wheels and precautions which should be observed
Methods of marking abrasive wheels as to type, size and maximum operating speed
How to store, handle and transport abrasive wheels
The functions of all components used with abrasive wheels, including flanges, blotters, bushes and nuts used in mounting and including knowledge of the correct and incorrect methods of assembling all components and balancing of abrasive wheels
The proper method of dressing an abrasive wheel
The adjustment of the rest of an abrasive wheel
The use of suitable personal protective equipment
Banksman Awareness Training
Half day course for acting as a Banksman involved in the control of commerical vehicle movements on the factory/construction yards, warehouses, loading bays and storage depots. The course will cover:
Planning the manoeuvre
Conducting the manoeuvre
PPE requirements
Recognised Signals